Monday, August 25, 2008

Plans underway again!!

Greetings to all! It has been a long time since I last updated the blog, so I am going bring it up to date. One year ago we were making plans to fly the Sportsman to Africa. Tom Needham had left Oshkosh and returned to Cameroon to continue the work that God called him to. When he returned he learned that the flight authorization to bring the Sportsman into Cameroon had not been granted. Over the next many months Tom spent hours talking with officials in an effort to get the flight authorization. He even made several trips to Yaounde, the capital city. After Tom asked people to pray, the word spread and people started to pray for the authorization to be granted. People from Maine to California and even in Rock Springs, Wyoming were praying.

Meanwhile the Sportsman remained in Oshkosh until such time as the authorization was granted. The time had past to be able to fly the Sportsman to Africa in 2007, and the trip would have to be made in the spring of 2008. People continued to pray for the authorization. Over a year later, towards the end of June, Tom sent word that the flight authorization had been granted…PRAISE THE LORD. Tom decided to return to Oshkosh, WI at the end of July to make preparations to have the plane flown to Africa. He has flown the plane coast to coast visiting supporting churches and individuals…especially those who helped fund the Sportsman project.

It is late August now and preparations are once again under way for John Douglas to fly the Sportsman to Africa. The route will remain the same, and the planned departure day will be September 27, 2008. Prayer is still needed as each flight from departure to destination will be long and taxing on the pilot's body and mind. Thank you to all who have prayed and are still praying for this plane to arrive in Cameroon safely to spread the good news that Jesus saves!

1 comment:

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