Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Where in the world is N211PH?

Still in Oshkosh!

Weather is clearing, but the visas have still not be completed. The overflight permits, which allow John to traverse through the airspace of countries without landing, have been secured, but apparently a Muslim holiday hindered the visa process last week. The company handling the visa applications in Washington D.C. indicated that they expected to be able to mail the visa paperwork to John on Thursday.

So presently, we are anticipating John leaving on Thursday morning and rendezvousing with the visas en route before leaving the US. That way John can position himself on the east coast to launch across the Atlantic Ocean at the first opportunity that the weather affords.

1 comment:

BrAdams said...

The AWANA Sparks Club of North Love Baptist will be praying for you on your journey. I showed the club the website and the pictures of the plane. We pray for clear skies and strong tailwinds. they would love for you to visit the club sometime and share your adventure with them.
Brad Adams
Sparks Director